
Port Innovators Network
Connected River
Discovery Hamburg

Connected River:
Your home for maritime innovation!

The EU-funded Connected River project aims to overcome the challenges of conflicting uses of waterways and waterfronts. As part of the project, the homePORT community has been technically established as a maritime open innovation platform. From now on, networking, exchange and collaboration between maritime and logistics stakeholders can take place at https://connectedriver.slack.com/

Transnational innovation network

Connected River is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and supported by the Interreg North Sea Region Programme 2021-2027. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) , one of the EU’s five structural and investment funds, will be used to develop infrastructure and fund technical assistance measures.

Challenges along the waterway and coastal areas: Reaching the goal with user orientation and agility!

The Connected River project aims to address the challenges of urban development, increased recreational use and port operations along shared waterways and riversides. The project focuses on two key objectives:

The project will run from January 2023 to December 2026. homePORT Hamburg is the lead pilot site in the host partner region of Hamburg, including physical test areas.

The project kicked off in May 2023 with a stakeholder workshop involving around 10 companies to identify common challenges for sustainable innovation and digitalisation along the waterways. The shortage of skilled labour was identified as a common challenge. Together with the stakeholders, various ideas were developed in a digital ideation phase to overcome and improve the current situation. In addition to the Maritime Innovation Community as a “neighbourhood platform”, the Discovery.Hamburg tour was developed as a solution to activate and inspire pupils, students and young professionals for the maritime industry.

Become a member now

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