
The homePORT lives off its partners and players

Players & Cooperation Partners

Startups, corporates and network partners


Statements of active partners and players from homePORT


3D printing has great potential for the port to significantly accelerate approaches and development processes. Additively manufactured components offer engineers entirely new possibilities in design and layout. New business models, such as the digital production of spare parts, can develop for various application areas.

Alexander Backs
CEO, 3D-Strong

Hamburg has developed an unbeatable strength in the field of unmanned technologies with its various initiatives and projects. We are proud to be part of this ecosystem. The homePORT in Hamburg is an important milestone for us and for the location to bring technological innovations to application.

Christian Caballero
COO & Co-Founder, FlyNex GmbH

The combination of experimental spaces for autonomous systems on land, water and in the air offers enormous potential for innovation. We are pleased that the emerging drone economy is getting a place to test and try things with the homePORT Test Playground - right in the middle of Hamburg.

Daniela Richter
Project Manager Windrove & Urban Air Mobility bei Hamburg Aviation

At the homePORT test areas in the port, we want to bring the self-driving, autonomous eFloater to life and put it through every test. From our point of view, this test space for transformative co-design is urgently needed to develop solution approaches with social acceptance for the mobility of tomorrow.

Oliver Risse
CEO, Floatility GmbH

As the hub of the green hydrogen economy, the Port of Hamburg can contribute to the energy transition and thus also produce the synthetic fuels of the future for shipping and aviation.

Jörg Spitzner
CEO, Spitzner Engineers & Institutsleiter INCMP